Cryolipolysis treatments


Cryolipolysis, is a medical procedure that helps get rid of excess fat cells underneath your skin.

It originated after research was done into frostbite, and it was noted that fat cells would freeze before skin freezes.

As it’s a procedure done by a professional, it can selectively target anywhere, such as tummy, thighs, or arms, so that the patient can choose their problematic areas.

During a Cryolipolysis procedure, a licensed practitioner uses a special tool to cool certain parts of your body to freezing temperature. The procedure freezes and kills fat cells in the part of your body that you’re having treated. Within a few weeks of treatment, these dead fat cells are naturally broken down and flushed out of your body through your liver.

As with many cosmetic treatments, results can vary from person to person, and it may take a few weeks or even months to notice.


Fat doesn’t weigh as much as muscle, so fat freezing won’t make you lose heaps of weight. However, you should still control your weight and maintain a healthy diet with plenty of exercise. If you reduce the temperature of fat to a certain degree, cells go into what’s called apoptosis, which means they kill themselves and your body digests its by-products. The magic of it is you’re cooling down the skin to a temperature where it hurts the fat, but it doesn’t hurt the skin, and that’s why it works so well.


Gemma Collins told her Instagram followers this month that she was having the procedure.

It’s popular amongst other celebrities too – Khloe Kardashian has admitted to doing Cryolipolysis (a fat freezing machine brand).

Molly Sims is an official spokesperson for Cryolipolysis, and told Vanity Fair that it was perfect for after her pregnancies, because busy mums can fit it in around their schedule, as there is no downtime.

Other celebrities fans include Antony Costa and Ferne McCann.


Tugging sensation at the treatment site

Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site

Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site